Assistance on Reconstitution of Lost Title
Has it happened to you that after exerting all your efforts looking, you can't seem to find your missing title? ...Title Verification
Are you sure that the property you're buying is clean from any technical and legal impediments? Do you want to risk your hard-earned money or lifetime savings to a property with a ...Assistance on Verification of Property location
Are you concerned that the lot area indicated on the title is the actual lot area of the property you are buying? ...Title Transfer
You just sold your property or you just bought a new one. Congratulations! Now, what's next? You have to transfer the title to the new owner. This is where the real work begins. ...Assistance in Subdivision / Consolidation of Title
Do you want to subdivide the title of a property for partition among the respective co-owners? Do you have several titles of adjoining properties that you want to consolidate into ...Payment of Real Property Taxes
Payment of the real estate taxes for our real estate property is an annual obligation to the City or Municipality. Failure to do so, may result to forfeiture of our property thru p ...Cancellation of Annotations on Title
Have you noticed that there some land titles with various annotations (i.e. Real Estate Mortgage, Section 4, Rule 74, Section 7, etc) at the back page? ...